
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Homemade Snow Globes

My mom has a LARGE BOX of Ball jars (leftover from my sister's wedding) sitting in the closet.
So, I decided to turn them into INEXPENSIVE Christmas presents:
Homemade Snow Globes

1.) Start with various sizes of Ball jars.
Big, medium, small.
They cost between $2.50-1.50 (each) at Hobby Lobby.

2.) Buy a bag of FAKE snowflakes - pine cones - and some miniature trees.
I found the snow at Target.
Trees and pine cones at Hobby Lobby.

3.) Glue the object (using a hot glue gun) to the base of the jar lid.

4.) Put a spoonful of snow inside the jar - and screw on the lid!

5.) I tied some ribbon around the lid... and glued a red berry in the middle.
(You can find BAGS of these red berries at Hobby Lobby.)

6.) You can also put your favorite Christmas tree ornament inside the jar!
I found this pretty blue heart.
(Glued an acorn to the top of the jar.)

"Together or apart - always in my heart!"

7.) I glued these BLUE, sparkly snowflakes to the tops of a few jars.
(Once again, using the hot glue gun.)

Look how cute they are!!!
Super inexpensive too!
Each one only cost me about $2.50 (TOTAL!)

These would be perfect presents to give to your cousins, aunts/uncles, friends or co-workers.

Merry Crafting!

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