
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Leaving a Mark

First off - YES... I have been horrible lately about blogging.
I think it's been almost 2 weeks since I've posted.

But - I've been super busy traveling... and entertaining guests!
Which is a good excuse, right?

My entire family was recently in Wisconsin - and we took a trip to Door County.
(Some call in the "Martha's Vineyard" of the Midwest.)

If you've never been... you have GOT to go.
Such a beautiful, beautiful place.

We spent time in Egg Harbor, Sister Bay, Fish Creek and Ephraim.

As far as "touristy" things to do - 
Cave Point County Park was at the TOP of the list.

So many wonderful caves, and nooks and crannies to explore!
I highly recommend going on a day when there are BIG WAVES 
in Lake Michigan.

As far as the FOOD...

First up - we have got to talk about the 

It's from the White Gull Inn - voted the 
BEST "Breakfast Place in America"... 
by Good Morning America.

They hit the nail RIGHT on the head with this one.

We also stopped by Pelletier's for a fish boil!
So simple - but SO good.
Fish, potatoes, onions, cole slaw.

And, had wood-fired pizza from Wild Tomato pizzeria!
Lots of fresh veggies and meats.

They even put cheese curds (and broccoli) on this one!

Can't leave without a "Spotted Cow" beer :)

BUT - hands down...
One of my favorite spots was the old Anderson Dock in Ephraim, WI.
(Also known as the Hardy Art Gallery.)

I mean, look at this!!!
Thousands and thousands of names.

So inspiring.
Such eclectic "artwork."

Anyone is allowed to paint their name.
You're just asked to be RESPECTFUL about it.

Such an amazing place.

Can we go back?

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