
Monday, January 31, 2011

Repurposing Randoms

You know those random objects that you find at flea markets... (or even around
your own home) ... and you're like, "What in the world can I do with this!?"

Go ahead, and take those randoms, and REPURPOSE them!

First off, just let me say... how CUTE is this cupboard?
I found it in Better Homes and Gardens, and immediately wanted to write about it.
It's an old window frame, that was given new life by adding a BACK to it.
I want one!!!
Then on top of it, to add the blue, green and cream vases... my heart just melts.

Do you have any random, old antique toys?
Someone used this truck in their bathroom... to hold wash clothes!

And... check this out!
It's an old BED SPRING - used to hold wine glasses!!!

Who doesn't have an old ladder "hanging" around?
Add a few chains, and hang from the ceiling!
Use it for your pots/pans/baskets/etc.

Guess what this is???
An old FURNACE grate!!!
Used to hold magazines/newspapers!
How creative.

These ideas make me want to jump up, and head to a thrift store RIGHT NOW!

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