
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

What a day.
LONG day at work.
It's days like this, that make me want ice cream for dinner.

So tonight, "Pumpkin Pie Smoothies" were made.
Aren't they cute?!


Put these THREE ingredients in the FRIDGE before use -
make sure they are COLD.
1 (15 oz.) can of pumpkin pie filling
1 (12 oz.) can of evaporated milk
1 cup vanilla yogurt ** OR vanilla ice cream ** depends on what you like.

Dry Ingredients
1/4 cup sugar
Sprinkle of cinnamon, all spice, and nutmeg
(OR use 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice instead.)
1/2 cup Teddy Grahams - cinnamon or graham cracker flavor.

Mix ALL ingredients together in a blender.

Put mixture in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
Take out, and give it a stir.

Pour into a glass.
Garnish with whipped cream and Teddy Grahams.

Feel free to put the rest in the fridge or freezer...
... if you use yogurt, put it in the fridge - ice cream, use the freezer.

So good!

** If you're feeling really bold, add chocolate chips too.**

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