
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Baby Blog" - Bold Designs

I wasn't planning on blogging today, but then I stumbled across some

PRETTY COOL rooms on Apartment Therapy.

So, today - you're getting a "baby blog" from me - aka - a "little post."

It was THIS ROOM that made me want to blog.

I love, love, love the use of color on the walls.

If it wasn't for the crown molding, I don't think they could have pulled this off.

I am in LOVE with this wall paper.

It's a room like this that makes me want to go out and buy a house.

This room is super cool and cozy all at the same time.

Not to mention, I am in love with the couch.

And the wall treatment in this bedroom ...

... can you say, "WOW?!"

This is the work of a true artist.

Okay, there is my design fix for the day :)

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