
Monday, July 5, 2010

Trouble Finding Artwork to Match a Space?

I had a HUGE problem with this when trying to find artwork for my bedroom. My colors are purple, brown, and gray... and I couldn't find a piece of artwork (within a decent price range) that I fell in love with.

So, what did I do? After searching nearly every store in the Omaha area, I went to Etsy! Who knew how much great artwork they have to offer? And, BONUS - they are all handmade, which makes it even cooler.

I bought these 2 prints for about $14.00 a piece from Acquired Design, found 2 frames on clearance at Kohls for $11 a piece! And, bam! I had 2 great art pieces to match my room!

Lesson learned, the next time I need some artwork, I am going to Etsy's artwork page.

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